The USDA certified organic seal on our bottle is a big deal—it means that our CBD products are 100% fully organic from seed to flower to bottle. That means organic growing, organic processing, organic carrier oils and organic botanicals. No shortcuts.
The thing is, not all hemp CBD is farmed the same, and not all hemp CBD is processed the same. The hemp in many CBD products is grown and processed conventionally with dangerous, irresponsible, and degenerative methods. Toxic GMO solvents, heavy metals, and pesticide residue—without USDA organic certification they could end up in your CBD oil without your knowledge.
To extract CBD and a spectrum of other beneficial plant compounds from hemp (hint: it’s called “full spectrum” because CBD is not the only beneficial cannabinoid extracted!), we employ an alcohol-based extraction and distillation method that’s been used for centuries. The top-of-the-line equipment in our lab may look modern, but it utilizes the same trusted technique that some historians say began as early as 2,000 B.C. to make balms, essences and tinctures. Alcohol extraction is still considered today to be the safest and cleanest method of separating oils from plants.
During the extraction process, many brands use solvents like alcohol from GMO corn or conventional sugar. We only use alcohol made from organic cane sugar—it’s a safe, gentle, and efficient solvent that’s been used in the apothecary tradition for hundreds of years.
The illustration below “distills” how the whole process works, and why the measures we take to create safe and clean, USDA certified organic hemp CBD products are so important. Take a look and share it with your family and friends!
How does the alcohol extraction method compare to CO2 extraction?